7. First, do not forget to connect your microphone and to fix it on the Flutter® as indicated below (download steps below in a pdf file).
4. Then click on the following link to download the program Flower (6 MB). If an update of the program is available, download only this file.
flower.exe (V1.1)
5. Once the file is saved, run the program flower.exe following the instructions. If required, go to this help page. The program must imperatively be installed in the indicated directory, on the partition C:\.
6. In theory, Flower program is ready to be run by double-clicking on the Flower icon placed on the desktop.
Gomme Patafix
Premier boudin de gomme autour de la fente du microphone
Second boudin de gomme sur le Flutter®
Assemblage des deux boudins
Contrôle de l’étanchéité
Branchement du microphone sur le PC
Instructions to download and install the program
1. Check that the disc of you PC has at least 200 MB of free space on partition C:\.
2. Click on the link below to download the runtime MCRinstaller (Matlab® Component Runtime). Beware, if you don’t have a broadband internet access the download can take several hours (size 119 MB). Until a forthcoming evolution, this file is nevertheless essential to run  the Flower program. In the event of an update of the Flower program, it is not required to download MCRInstaller again!
MCRInstaller.exe (version 7.4)
3. Once the file is saved on your PC, run the MCRInstaller program following the instructions.
Most of the computer dealers and event the department stores propose models of microphones which will also be suitable to use the program correctly.
If you experience some trouble or for further information, please contact us with address info@flower-for-all.org, indicating, if you want, your name and address in order that we could take contact with you directly.
Vincent Chritin and Eric Van Lancker
Tel: +41 (0)22 960 11 04
Fax: +41 (0)22 960 11 06